Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 years!!

Russell and I have now been married for two years!! I can't believe how fast it is going by. I am so proud of Russell for everything he has accomplished in the last year and how much we have grown. I just wanted to tell Russell how much I adore him and that I can't imagine my life without him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

32 Weeks

As of today I am 32 weeks, I only have 8 weeks to go!! It seems to be passing by so fast! I just wish we had a named picked out.. so if there are any suggestions just let us know. The doctor today told me I am perfectly healthy and have zero complications, unless killer heartburn is a complication!! I am trying to write this and I have taken at least 10 tums and it is not helping!! I am also having horrible back pain, which I only get when I have heartburn. Oh and if I can complain just a second longer I am sweating to death and my hands and feet are swollen! I have posted a belly pic, but it is from a few weeks back, but to me I look the same size. If this heartburn ever goes away I might take a new one..