Sunday, October 11, 2009

3 months!

I cant believe Dallas is 3 months old now!! He is getting so big! He sleeps all night and has for a long long time. He still loves taking a bath but hates getting out and getting dressed. To me he still looks just like Russell, but I am getting more and more comments that he is starting to look like me. He also LOVES taking medicine. haha He has an ear infection right now and he fusses when the meds are gone. Its cute but I am sure it will change. I also think he may be getting teeth. He always has his fists in his mouth and is drooling like crazy, but luckily he hasn't been to fussy. I love making him laugh, he has the cutest smile. Russell is such a great dad, he loves holding him and talking to him and telling him all the things he is going to teach him or show him when he gets older. Anyway here are some pictures of the last couple weeks...

Laughing at me being silly
New Binky!! It matches the overalls Russell got him.
cute little grin
talking talking..
gave the fingers a rest long enough for the picture
Dallas & Jaxon just laying around
overalls Russell got him. They are so cute!!
grandma making him laugh.
my sweet boy.
I Love both my boys so much, I cant imagine what life was like before them, and I am so proud of Russell for the man he has become.