Monday, October 11, 2010


Well since it has been over a month I will just update you a bit.. First of all, I lost my camera so there are NO pictures in this post, sorry. Here is just a highlight of everything since September till now...
1. My birthday was the 12th, Russell spoiled me.
2. The first weekend in September I started taking classes at ccCNA and yesterday was my last day, I do have to take the test but other then that I am done. I am wanting a job working nights in a hospital.
3. Dallas had a 15month check up. His doctor was surprised on how happy and calm he was during the check up. He only cried when he got his shots but who doesn't!! He also was laughing and flirting with all the nurses. He was so cute.
5. We bought a storage unit so we don't have to pay for ours anymore. yay!!
6. I have the Christmas budget set into place, and most gifts picked out. I hate to buy anything before thanksgiving so that I don't miss a chance to get it on sale.
7. Dallas is going to be Mickey Mouse for Halloween, I got it on eBay for $13.00 and that included shipping.

wow. what a boring month so far. I am however super excited about HALLOWEEN, Dallas is going to be a blast!

1 comment:

Tyler & Nicole said...

He'll make such a cute Mickey!