Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 month check up.

Dallas had his 6 month check up today. Here are his stats...
Head: 17in.....32% Weight: 16lbs.....33% Height: 27in.....69%
The doctor said even though his weight is below average he is growing at a steady pace and is perfectly healthy.

When he was born he was considered "tongue tied" which is where your tongue is attached to the bottom of your mouth closer to the tip of your tongue then average. Anyway his doctor wanted to wait until he was older to decided when and if he needed it clipped. He said there was a chance it would stretch on its own, but it didn't. He said in his future it could be a problem for eating or cause a slur. So today he got it clipped. I have never felt so bad for him. He was sound asleep in my arms when they put the clamps on and he woke up screaming!!! He kept looking at me with these teary eyes that were just heartbreaking, they finally finished clipping it but since it was bleeding they had to hold the gauze there for another few minutes which resulted in more crying. As soon as I calmed him down they came in with the shots, so I had to lay him back down for 3 shots. He was screaming and crying at that too! He was crying so hard and sounded so exhausted that I started crying, and I couldn't stop. I was so heartbroken that I had to pin him down and that I couldn't do anything to make him feel better while they were clipping him and giving him the shots. Anyway so after we left the doctors he fell right asleep and I called into work telling them I couldn't come in because I needed to be home with him. My boss probably thinks I am a wuss, which I am, because I called in bawling!! When he woke up from his short nap home he just started laughing and wanting to play. Here I thought he needed me when really he was fine. I am just glad I didn't wait any longer to get it done and that he is young enough not to realize what happened.

1 comment:

derek and kimber said...

I LOVE HIS EYES! he is such a cutie!